Saturday, June 20, 2009

.:the yard sale:.

hello...sorri havent posted in a couple of days...i just got done having the yard sale and i helped my granni put the remnats away.....and took a shower!!!!

i love yard long as i'm selling things...but what i cant stand when people always want something for nothing!!!.....and its not just blacks or whites....its both!!!!.....see white people go o yard sales looking for antique things...however they act like 5 or 3 dollars is too much.....for instance this white lady came by and walked around with a sour look on her face and when it seemed like she didnt find anything and was walking to her car....she turned around and asked how much our antique love seat was...and it was 25 dollars....she got in that car quicker than anything....boi i tell ya...

then this whte man came.....he was old and a world war 2 veteran....still kicking...lolz....he came and wanted to kno how much the vases were....they were 1 dollar a piece....then he was like i take flowers to the nursing home....and im not complaining aqbout the price but i just think thats a little he left...and my granny is like if you cant spend a dollar on someone else then it must not be worth anything............

she asked my grandma what do you do with a phone.....ummm no grandmama dumbed down everythng....but when she left she sed people will come around acting like that to get you to change your prices....

we also had a family come and to me they just acted too good.....they would ask you how much something was then they would act like they didnt need it....WTF!!!! if you are not interested inthe item why ask???.....if you too good for yard sales...why show up???? UGH!!!!

we had more visitors....but those are the one who really stuck out to me....we made about 60 really didnt matte because i was going to get my zune anyways but my granny wants to see if my mama will go ahead and oreder it and she'll pay her back...well i hope so because i want it so bad!!!!